The 'standard plots' for EA044 are as follows: ea044.mode[1,2] station weight vs. time ea044.mode[1,2].SFXC-auto-[1,2].ps station autocorrelation amp vs. freq ea044.mode[1,2].SFXC-cross-[1,2][a,p].ps baseline amp/phs vs. freq ea044.mode[1,2].SFXC-ampphase-[a,p].ps Ef-* baseline amp/phs vs. time Mode 1 corresponds to scans with Doppler@IRAS18455+04, and mode 2 to those with Doppler@IRAS19422+35. The auto and cross plots show 2 minutes of data from: [1] [2] mode1 scan 4 (3C345) scan 46 (3C454.3) mode2 scan 2 (3C345) scan 63 (3C454.3) The ampphase plots show amp [a] or phase [p] vs. time, omitting target scans. The antenna numbering in these plots is 0-based -- thus one less than the corresponding antenna numbers in the AIPS FITS file. (a) WEIGHT plots The plot shows the weights for both polarizations per station, with each 0.25s integration plotted as a separate ".". The polarization color-coding is RR=red, LL=blue. (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA plots The plot shows the real component of the auto-correlations as a funciton of frequency from the above scans, averaged over the annotated time-range (using only the real component, there's no distinction between vector and scalar averaging). The polarization color-coding remains RR=red, LL=blue. The y-axis range don't necessarily go down to zero. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA plots The baseline vs. frequency plots show vector-averaged amplitude and phase for all baselines for the same intervals as the autocorrelation plots, with amp and phase going to separate plots using the same baseline lay-out on the page. The polarization color-coding remains RR=red, LL=blue. (d) AMP/PHASE(t) plots The baseline vs. time plots show amplitude and phase for non-target scans on Ef-*, with amp & phase going to separate plots. Each 0.25s integration is plotted as a separate ".", with the middle 80% of the band used for vector-averaging over frequency. The polarization color-coding remains RR=red, LL=blue. Ef missed 4 non-target scans (mode1=1,15; mode2=32,50) which leads to some large gaps in the amp(t) plot. The phase(t) plot actually shows phase vs. integration number within the set of non-target scans, in order to expand the horizontal scale to allow easier tracking of the phs(t) behavior in scans.