TMASK = 0 NSRC = 3 NHEADS = 1 SRCLST 'J0839+0104','J0836+0054','J0825+0309' CALSRCLST 'J0839+0104','J0825+0309' INTAPE 0 FITSFILE 'NMEFITS:ef010.idi' INDI 4 IN2D 4 REFANT 1 REFAN2 3 PLOTREF 1 OINT 4 SOLCAL 1.5 PLOTAVG 0.2 SCITER 2 NIF 4 POLS 'D' CPOLS 0 DIR 'IN:' DIR2 'OUT:' DOEDIT 1 DELCH 1 EXPNAME 'ef010' OBSBAND 'L' DOPRINT -2 ## Target is included in the imaging cycle just to see ## whether it is detected or not. Ignore self-calibration ## results for the target!