EVN User Experiment Pipeline Feedback

Pipeline feedback for experiment EG031_1. If you have any comments on this experiment please email the address below.
A detailed description of the pipeline output is available.

Last updated: Tue Mar 22 14:57:47 CET 2005 campbell@jive.nl

General Comments. ( Brief data summary and scan listing )
This part of EG031 comprised 8 stations with 1 2MHz IF (DC edge 6667.3MHz) with 1 polarization (LCP). There were 2048 frequency points, and integration times were 2s. Considerably more information is included in the experiment's cover letter on the standard-plots portion of the EVN Archive. In the pipelining, only NRAO530 was fringed. A SOLINT of 2.0min was used.

The EVN reliability indicator was ERI=1.0. ERI estimates the ratio of good -to- expected visibilities. The value of 1 essentially means that there were no systematic losses due to playback. The On RFI near the middle of the band that may affect tracing the full line shape on On-* baselines wasn't explicitly included in this calculation.

Plots of the autocorrelations .
21p of plots, one for each scan. RFI and/or internal birdies in On, Tr. See cover letter for more details.

Plots of the uncalibrated amplitude and phase against time .
full-experiment Ef-* baselines, no calibration applied.

Plots of the uncalibrated amplitude and phase against frequency channel .
21p of plots, on for each scan for Ef-* baselines.

The uncalibrated amplitude and phase of the crosshand correlations against frequency channel (not available) .

TSYS against time .
TY1 table. There was no Da Tsys info because of the data transmission over the micro-wave link -- set to 1.

Telescope sensitivities from the a priori TSYS and Gain curves (the square of this number gives the antenna noise (SEFD) in Jy - the smaller the better).
gain from CL2 table.

Fringe-fit phase solutions (including Parallactic Angle correction).
CL3 station phase solutions. some phase-connections are clearly affected by RATE outliers (Jb LCP at ~2030).

Fringe-fit delay solutions .
SN2 station delay solutions. Some obvious outliers (On RCP at ~2100). Evident deviations between residual delay for B1530 & J1613. Noticeable slope for Ar.

Fringe-fit rate solutions .
SN2 station rate solutions (a few obvious outliers that affect automatic AIPS-determined phase-connection decisions).

Telescope bandpasses .
bandpass table 1. Only NRAO530 was used for bandpass calibration.

Calibrated amplitude and phase against time (a priori amplitude calibration and fringe-fit solutions applied).
Ef-* baselines calibrated with table CL3.

Calibrated amplitude and phase against frequency channel .
297p of plots, showing Ef-* baselines calibrated with CL3 and BP1. The edges of the band have been apparently overcompensated in the bandpass correction process.

Naturally weighted dirty map produced before self-cal of:
NRAO530: postscript , or FITS .
9.62+0.2: postscript , or FITS .
Natural-weighted (dirty) maps for the calibrators B1530, J1613, and J1516 (the latter two having very few scans -- 1 for J1516 leading to a very elliptical beam indeed)

Uniformly weighted dirty map produced before self-cal of:
NRAO530: postscript , or FITS .
9.62+0.2: postscript , or FITS .
Uniform-weighted (dirty) maps of the above calibrators.

Phase corrections applied to a priori calibrated and fringe-fitted data by self-calibration.
For each of the calibrators (B1530, J1613, J1516), plots of post-SPLIT tables SN1. J1516 had only 1 scan.

Amplitude corrections applied to a priori calibrated and fringe-fitted data by self-calibration.
NRAO530: postscript , or text file .
9.62+0.2: postscript , or text file .
As above, but for the post-SPLIT table SN2

Telescope sensitivities (the total AMP gain applied during both a priori and self calibration; the square of this number gives the antenna noise (SEFD) in Jy).
CL4 gain-amp.

Residual closure phase (visibility closure phase with model closure phase subtracted) for:
NRAO530 .
9.62+0.2 .
For each of the calibrators (B1530, J1613, J1516), 24p of plots showing closure phase for the triangles (not just Ef-*-*).

Calibrated visibilities and the source model of:
NRAO530 .
9.62+0.2 .
For each of the calibrators, plots of amp/phase on Ef-* baselines calibrated with (post-SPLIT) table CL3, with a model-line overplotted. J1516 has only 1 scan, so its time-axis has quite high resolution indeed...

Calibrated visibilities against u,v distance for:
NRAO530. postscript , or png (smaller)
9.62+0.2. postscript , or png (smaller)
For each of the calibrators, a plot of amp vs. |uv| distance.

u,v coverage for:
NRAO530. postscript , or png (smaller)
9.62+0.2. postscript , or png (smaller)
For each of the calibrators, a plot of the u-v coverage. (comparing J1516 to the EG031_2 pipeline shows the effect of replacing Cm with Mc on the 'snapshot' u-v coverage)

NRAO530: postscript , or FITS .
9.62+0.2: postscript , or FITS .
For each of the calibrators, a CLEAN map resulting from the automated fringing/self-cal pipeline script.