$ Calibrator with the most data should be listed first in SRCLST/CALSRCL $ Continuum: dualpol but nocross, 32 freq pts, 2s int $ Line: dualpol but nocross, 512 freq pts, 2s int. $ This is for the line data $ userid = 1022 $ expt = EI006B run 'evn' tmask -11 nsrc 4 srclst '0212+735' '0133+476' 'GT0032+61' 'L1287' $'WB724' calsrclst '0212+735' '0133+476' bpasslst '0212+735' '0133+476' npairs 0 preflst '' intape 1 fitsfile 'PIPEFITS:/EI006B_050218/fits/ei006b_2_1.IDI nheads 1 nfits 6 indi 2 in2d 2 refant 3 refan2 8 plotref 1 oint 2 avg 0 solcal 1 plotavg 0 sciter 2 nif 1 badif '' nchan 512 pols 'D' cpols 0 dir 'IN:ei006b/ dir2 'OUT:temp/ doedit -1 delch 1 expname 'ei006b_2 obsband 'K' doprint -2 $ 1-Mc, 2-On, 3-Ef, 4-Mh, 5-Cm, 6-Jb, 7-Nt, 8-Ro