The 'standard plots' for EJ010 are as follows: station weight vs. time ej010-auto-[1,2].ps station autocorrelation vs. freq ej010-cross-[1,2][a,p].ps baseline amp/phs vs. freq ej010-ampphase-[a,p{1,2,3}].ps baseline amp/phs vs. time The auto and cross plots show data from the scans 102 and 201 (both 3C345). On was out for the first of these, and Sh was out for the second. The ampphase plots taken together show amp [a] or phase [p] vs. time for the whole experiment, omitting target scans. The antenna numbering in these plots is 0-based -- thus one less than the corresponding antenna numbers in the AIPS FITS file. (a) WEIGHT plots The plots shows the weights for all IFs/pols per station, with each 2s integration plotted as a separate ".". The IF/pol color-coding for the continuum plot is: IF1/RR = red IF1/LL = blue IF2/RR = cyan IF2/LL = green IF3/RR = pink IF3/LL = med.grey IF4/RR = brown IF4/LL = purple IF5/RR = teal IF5/LL = yellow IF6/RR = steel blue IF6/LL = lt.grey IF7/RR = black IF7/LL = orange IF8/RR = IF8/LL = lt.purple (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA plots The plots show data from 1 minute of the scans listed above. The IFs for each station go into separate plots along a row, to avoid RFI in one from affecting the y-axis scale of others. Since each plot self-scales, their y-axes may not go down to zero. The polarization color-coding is RR=red, LL=blue. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA plots The baseline vs. frequency plots show vector-averaged amplitude and phase for all baselines for same the time ranges as the autocorrelation plots, with amp & phase going to separate plots using the same baseline lay-out on the page. Here, all IFs for a baseline have the same scale. The polarization color-coding remains RR=red, LL=blue. (d) AMP/PHASE(t) plots The baseline vs. time plots show amplitude and phase for non-target scans, with amp & phase going to separate plots. Each 2s integration is plotted as a separate ".", with the middle 80% of the band used for vector-averaging over frequency. The amp plot has the same IF/pol color-coding as in the weight plots. There are three versions of these plots: [1] - baselines to Ef: amp(t) omits 3C345 to avoid throwing off the y-axis scale [2] - baselines to Ef: only 3C345 scans, with integration number rather than UT plotted along the x-axis [3] - as [1], but baselines to Wb (to look into the first couple hours when Ef was having azimuth-control problems)