# Calibrator with the most data should be listed first in SRCLST/CALSRCL # Flag useless Cm, Mc etc. channels before FRING??? # imaging failed for the last three calibrators: # srclst 'M81' '0954+658' '1044+719' '4C39.25' task 'evn' tmask -2 nsrc 2 srclst 'M81' '4131+596' calsrclst 'M81' '' bpasslst 'M81' '' npairs 1 preflst 'M81' '4131+596' sciter 0 nsrc 1 srclst 'M81' '' calsrclst 'M81' '' bpasslst 'M81' '' sciter 2 npairs 0 preflst '' global 0 intape 1 nheads 1 nfits 18 refant 3 refan2 1 plotref 1 oint 1 avg badif solcal 2.5 plotavg 0.5 nif 8 nchan 128 pols 'D' cpols 0 dir 'IN:/ep051/ dir2 'OUT:/ep051/ delch 1 obsband 'L' doprint -2 doedit -1 # doedit 1 fitsfile 'PIPEFITS:/EP051_051027/fits/ep051_1_1.IDI expname 'ep051 indi 1 in2d 1 inp # AIPS user ID on jop15: 7030, use disk 1 # 1-Ef, 2-Mc, 3-Jb, 4-On, 5-Tr, (6-Nt), 7-Cm, 8-Wb, 9-Ro