The correlation for GC029 was done in 17 separate passes, eight for each of the two field centers, plus an additional one for an EVN-only array. The underlying schedule of the main 16 passes is v.2, the one used by the VLBA stations plus GBT. Because the EVN stations observed using the older v.1 of the schedule, these six stations have only a subset of time in common with the VLBA stations. The EVN-only 17th pass was run based on the older v.1 of the schedule as observed by the EVN stations, providing a means to compute SN-table solutions for all calibrator sources as observed by the EVN stations. For the main 16 passes, the following naming convention and plot descriptions apply: gc029.f{m}sb{n} station weight vs. time gc029.f{m}sb{n}-auto-[1,2].ps.gz station auto-corr. real vs. freq gc029.f{m}sb{n}-cross-[1,2][a,p].ps.gz baseline amp & phase vs. freq gc029.f{m}sb{n}-ampphase-1[a,p].ps.gz baseline amp & phase vs time {m} corresponds to the correlation center: 1 = J123700+620909 2 = J123721+621129 {n} corresponds to the 0-based subband number (0,1,...7), one less than the 1-based AIPS IF number The plots vs time (weight, ampphase) collectively show the whole time-range of the experiment. The plots vs. freq show 1min of data from the scan of J0927+3902 [1] or a scan of 3C345 [2]. In the baseline plots, the 'a' or 'p' denotes an amp or a phase plot. The cover letter delves more deeply into the details of the specific plots. (a) WEIGHT plots - plots each 0.25s integration as a separate ".". Polarization color coding: Red=RCP, Blue=LCP (the same for each of the different kinds of plots). (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA plot - shows real vs. freq for each station. The y-axis range in each plot self-scales independently, and may not necessarily go down to 0. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA plot - shows (separately) amp and phase vs frequency for all Gb-* baselines, vector averaged in time over the annotated 1-minute interval. The y-axis range in each amplitude plot self-scales independently. Phase plots all show +/- 200 degrees. (d) AMP/PHASE(t) plot - shows (separately) amp and phase on all Gb-* baselines, over the whole experiment (but omitting scans of the target source). Each 0.25s integration is plotted as a separate ".". The frequency points are vector averaged over the middle 80% of the band. For the 17th EVN-only pass, the following naming convention and plot descriptions apply: station weight vs. time gc029.evn-auto-[1,2].ps.gz station auto-corr. real vs. freq gc029.evn-cross-[1,2][a,p].ps.gz baseline amp & phase vs. freq gc029.evn-ampphase-1[a,p].ps.gz baseline amp & phase vs time Where the time ranges of data shown in the auto and cross plots is the same as in the other plots. Difference in individual types of plots include: (a) WEIGHT: all 8 IFs and 2 pols are plotted simultaneously. The color coding is: IF1/RR = red IF1/LL = blue IF2/RR = cyan IF2/LL = green IF3/RR = pink IF3/LL = med.grey IF4/RR = brown IF4/LL = purple IF5/RR = teal IF5/LL = yellow IF6/RR = steel blue IF6/LL = lt.grey IF7/RR = black IF7/LL = orange IF8/RR = IF8/LL = lt.purple with "higher-IF" colors overplotting "lower-IF" ones. (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA: each IF for the stations is shown in a separate plot, that also scales separately. This keeps bad RFI in a single IF from throwing off the dynamic range in the plot for the other IFs. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA: The reference staion becomes Ef. (d) AMP/PHASE(t): only the first two IFs are shown; this is where all the stations have signals. This makes the phase(t) plot especially more useful. The color coding for these first two IFs is as in the first line of the weight-plot color key.