The 'standard plots' for GN002A are as follows: gn002a.[pass] station weight vs. time gn002a.[pass]-auto-[1-3].ps station autocorrelation vs. freq gn002a.[pass]-cross-[1-3][a,p].ps baseline amp/phs vs. freq gn002a.[pass]-ampphase-a[1-3].ps Ef-* or Nl-* baseline amp vs. time gn002a.[pass]-ampphase-p[1-4].ps Ef-* or Nl-* baseline phase vs. time Where [pass] is either "cont" or "line" for the continuum and line passes, respectively. The auto and cross plots show 1 minute of data from scans 32 ([1]), 202 ([2]), and 310 ([3]), all on J1407+2827. The first is in the EVN-only portion of the schedule, the second in the EVN+VLBA(+Ar) portion, and the third in the VLBA-only portion. There are three amp(t) plots: [1] = Ef-* for non-target scans, [2] = Ef-* for 3C293, and [3] = Nl-* for non-target scans. There are corresponding phase(t) plots, plus a fourth showing Nl-* for 3C293 (phase plots of 3C293 for the continuum pass show only IF3 in order to provide a trace easier to follow). The antenna numbering in these plots is 0-based -- thus one less than the corresponding antenna numbers in the AIPS FITS file. (a) WEIGHT plots The plots shows the weights for all IFs/pols per station, with each 2s integration plotted as a separate ".". The IF/pol color-coding in the continuum-pass plot is: IF1/RR = red IF1/LL = blue IF2/RR = cyan IF2/LL = green IF3/RR = pink IF3/LL = med.grey IF4/RR = brown IF4/LL = purple The line pass uses just IF1/RR and IF1/LL (thus only red and blue). (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA plots The plots show data from the scans listed above. Because of the RFI at L-band, each IF for each station in the continuum-pass plots goes into a separately self-scaled plot (y-axes may not go down to zero). The polarization color-coding is RR=red, LL=blue. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA plots The baseline vs. frequency plots show vector-averaged amplitude and phase for all baselines for same the time ranges as the autocorrelation plots, with with amp & phase going to separate plots denoted by the 'a' or 'p' following the scan identifier, using the same baseline lay-out on the page. IFs per baseline are separated by the dashed vertical lines. The polarization color-coding is RR=red, LL=blue. (d) AMP/PHASE(t) plots The baseline vs. time plots show amplitude and phase, in separate plots denoted by the 'a' or 'p' following 'ampphase-'. Each 2s integration is plotted as a separate ".", with the middle 80% of the band used for vector-averaging over frequency. The plots use the same IF/pol color-coding as in the weight plots for their respective pass (the 3C329 phase(t) plots for the continuum pass shows only IF3, hence RR=pink & LL=medium grey).