# Many missing Tsys data points for the GBT! Inserted typical values # for each sources by hand, in order not to loose the data. # Gb probably will not be a good reference antenna, becasue some data # in the timerange UT 8:45-12:05 might be really bad (FS reported # off source and there were other telescope problems as well). # For Cm data are expected in only L2 and R2, due to the microwave link # limitation. task 'evn' tmask -1 nsrc 7 srclst '3C286' '3C345' 'OQ208' 'NRAO512' 'J2002+4725' 'J1832+1357' 'SS433' calsrclst '3C345' 'OQ208' 'NRAO512' 'J2002+4725' 'J1832+1357' 'SS433' bpasslst '3C345' 'OQ208' 'NRAO512' 'J2002+4725' 'J1832+1357' 'SS433' badif 0 npairs 0 preflst '' intape 1 nheads 1 nfits 6 refant 1 # refan2 is NL, produced good data refan2 13 plotref 1 0 # plotref 13 0 oint 4 avg 0 solcal 3.0 plotavg 0.5 sciter 2 nif 1 nif 2 nchan 32 pols 'D' cpols 1 dir 'IN:/gp036b/ dir2 'OUT: delch 1 obsband 'L' doprint -2 doedit -1 # doedit 1 #first correlation: #fitsfile 'PIPEFITS:/GP036B_030529/fits/gp036b_1_1.IDI # recorrelated dataset: fitsfile 'PIPEFITS:/GP036B_030529/fits/gp036b_2_1.IDI expname 'gp036b indi 2 in2d 2 inp # Important note on ANTAB: # Gb Tsys data were missing for a very long time. Data typical # for sources were inserted by hand. # Tr and Nt gaincurves were bad, they were made flat. R and L # gains were also modified based on Difmap results. # Gb, Tr and Nt should not be used for CP analysis!!! # Obsmode: 256 Mbit/s, 2*16 MHz IFs/polarization # 1-Ef, 2-Mc, 3-Wb