The 'standard plots' for GP051D are as follows: Line-pass plots: gp051d-weight-[1-2].ps station weight vs. time gp051d-auto-[1-2].ps station autocorrelation vs. freq gp051d-cross-[1-2][a,p].ps Ef-* & Yy-* baseline amp/phs vs. freq gp051d-ampphase-[1-2][a,p].ps Ef-* baseline amp/phs vs. time The plots vs. time are divided into 2 separate parts, each with about 2h20m of data. The ampphase plots show amp [a] and phase [p] separately; there are two variants of the amp(t) plots, as described in more detail below. The auto and cross plots show 1 minute of data from [1] scan 90 (3C84) and [2] scan 170 (3C84). Geod-pass plots: gp051d.geod-weight-[1-2].ps station weight vs. time gp051d.geod-auto-[1-2].ps station autocorrelation vs. freq gp051d.geod-cross-[1-2][a,p].ps Ef-* & Yy-* baseline amp/phs vs. freq gp051d.geod-ampphase-[1-2][a,p].ps Ef-* baseline amp/phs vs. time Here, the two parts correspond to the beginning and ending geo-blocks in the schedule. The auto and cross plots show 1 minute of data from [1] scan 4 (2236+282) and [2] scan 174 (0808+495). The antenna numbering in these plots is 0-based -- thus one less than the corresponding antenna numbers in the AIPS FITS file. (a) WEIGHT plots The plots shows the weights for all IFs/pols per station, with each 0.35s integration plotted (2s for the geod pass) as a separate ".". The IF/pol color-coding is for the line pass: IF1/RR = red, IF1/LL = blue and the geod pass: IF1/RR=red, IF1/LL=blue, IF2/RR=cyan, IF2/LL=green (b) AUTOCORRELATION SPECTRA plots The plots show data from the scans listed above. Since the plots for each station self-scale, y-axes may not go down to zero. For the geod plots, the IFs for each station are separted by the vertical dashed lines. The polarization color-coding is RR=red, LL=blue. (c) BASELINE SPECTRA plots The baseline vs. frequency plots show vector-averaged amplitude and phase for all baselines for same the time ranges as the autocorrelation plots, with with amp & phase going to separate plots denoted by the 'a' or 'p' following the scan identifier. For the geod plots, the IFs per baseline are separated by the dashed vertical lines. The polarization color-coding remains RR=red, LL=blue. (d) AMP/PHASE(t) plots The baseline vs. time plots show amplitude and phase for non-target scans, with amp & phase going to separate plots, denoted by the 'a' or 'p' following 'ampphase-'. Each 0.35s integration (2s for the geod pass) is plotted as a separate ".", with the middle 80% of the band used for vector-averaging over frequency. The color-coding remains the same as in the weight plots. For each ~2h20m period of the line pass, there are two amp(t) plots (-{N}a, -{N}a2) and one phase(t) plot (-{N}p), where {N} = 1,2,3, such that: -{N}a: amp(t) for only J0038+4137 scans (to avoid the fringe-finders from dominating the y-axis scale -{N}a2: amp(t) for all non-target scans -{N}p: phase(t) for all non-target scans