TMASK = 1 NSRC = 6 NHEADS = 2 SRCLST 'DA193','J0605+4030','J0607+4739','J0612+4122' SRCLST(5)~ 'J0625+4440','J2253+1608' CALSRCLST 'DA193','J0605+4030','J0607+4739','J0612+4122' CALSRCLST(5)~ 'J0625+4440','J2253+1608' INTAPE 0 FITSFILE 'NMEFITS:n02c1.fits INDI 1 IN2D 1 REFANT 1 REFAN2 2 PLOTREF 2 OINT 1 SOLCAL 2.5 PLOTAVG 0.17 SCITER 2 NIF 8 POLS 'D' CPOLS 1 DIR 'IN:' DIR2 'OUT:' DOEDIT 1 DELCH 1 EXPNAME 'n02c1 OBSBAND 'C' DOPRINT -2 ## Restarted on JOP03 (Hiroshi). AIPS number 1001. ## AIPS User 1000 ## Flag Jb and Ur before fringe-fitting. Also IF1-3 & IF6-8 of ## Cm should be flagged. (Done.) ## Calsource list set to '' in FRING because the source list would be ## otherwise. => proper line truncating was applied after this ## Forgot to flag Wb L7 and R8 - these messed up some plots. ## For UVCOV and UVPLT plots use XINC=10 - this will dramatically ## decrease the size of the plots!