# Calibrator with the most data should be listed first in SRCLST/CALSRCL task 'evn' tmask -1 nsrc 4 srclst '3C454.3' 'J2254+1341' '3C345' '3C84' calsrclst '3C454.3' 'J2254+1341' '3C345' '3C84' bpasslst '3C454.3' 'J2254+1341' '3C345' '3C84' npairs 1 preflst '3C454.3' 'J2254+1341' global 0 intape 1 nheads 1 nfits 0 refant 1 refan2 3 plotref 3 0 oint 2 avg badif solcal 1.5 plotavg 0.5 sciter 2 nif 4 nchan 16 pols 'D' cpols 1 dir 'IN:/n05c3/ dir2 'OUT:/n05c3/ delch 1 obsband 'C' doprint -2 doedit -1 # doedit 1 fitsfile 'PIPEFITS:/N05C3_051020/fits/n05c3_1_1.IDI expname 'n05c3 indi 4 in2d 4 inp # AIPS user ID on jop15: 7029, use disk 4 # For hs2 exps specify "_1", without .IDI! # Then the pipeline will handle properly two headtsacks data. # nfits 0 if I have only 1 fitsfile! # avg should be zero if no (more) time averaging is needed! # First run with doedit = -1; then re-run imaging/selfcal-part # with doedit = 1 ==> clipping very high amplitudes in gainplot # But sometimes doedit=1 brakes the pipeline (too much editing). # 1-Ef, 2-Mc, 3-Wb, 4-On, 5-Tr, 6-Jb, (7-Jv, 8-Nt), 9-Hh, 10-Ur, 11-Sh